Whiffer Sniffers are Scented Backpack Clips Featuring 12 Different Characters

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I buy Whiffer Sniffers?

Whiffer Sniffers are being sold in stores around the country so make sure to be on the lookout for them at a store near you!

How strong are the scents?

The scents are designed to not be overpowering and are on the mild end of a scent spectrum. They’re just right!

Are Whiffer Sniffers child safe?

Yes, Whiffer Sniffers conform to all applicable CPSC (Consumer Product Safety Commission) safety standards. They are recommended for children 3 years and older.

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How are Mystery Packs Sold?

There are three different Special Edition Characters and each character has its own mystery pack. For example, if you purchase the “Jimmy S’more” mystery pack, inside there will be a “Jimmy S’more” or one of the other 9 regularly sold characters. Each Mystery Pack clearly shows which special edition item could be inside.

Do Whiffer Sniffers come packaged?

Yes. We love our scents, but know you may not want to smell them all at once in your store. Whiffer Sniffers come cleverly packaged in an attractive clear sealed tube.